Oil test with Japanese paper and Western paper on 8, 10, 12 April 2020
10 April 2020
Added again 'rijstolie' (the small round part)
and 'gekookte lijnolie/lijnzaadolie' (right side next Burnt plate oil #00)
Added again 'rijstolie' (the small round part)
and 'gekookte lijnolie/lijnzaadolie' (right side next Burnt plate oil #00)
12 April 2020

A: Appelstroop is sugar in water, meaning that once the water has evaporated you are left with the sugar, which is hard. Chocolate paste contains vegetable oil that does not dry much. You could perhaps add some photos of the backs of your ink samples to see how the various materials behave on paper. Mind that it is not only the kind of binding medium you apply to the paper strips, but also the amount. The behaviour of the binding media may also differ a little depending on the kind of paper.
28 March 2020
The first printing test with Appel stroop on Washi (Failed printing if the paper was dry)

13 April 2020

A: Appelstroop is sugar in water, meaning that once the water has evaporated you are left with the sugar, which is hard. Chocolate paste contains vegetable oil that does not dry much. You could perhaps add some photos of the backs of your ink samples to see how the various materials behave on paper. Mind that it is not only the kind of binding medium you apply to the paper strips, but also the amount. The behaviour of the binding media may also differ a little depending on the kind of paper.
28 March 2020
The first printing test with Appel stroop on Washi (Failed printing if the paper was dry)

Chocopasta & Appelstroop
Chocopasta added Rice brand oil and Burnt plate oil
米油 Rijstolie=Rice Bran Oil
焼亜麻仁油 gekookte lijnolie (standolie)= Burnt plate oil / Boiled linseed Oil
Wiki; Standolie is sterk ingedikte en gekookte lijnolie die wel wordt gebruikt om de laatste lagen olieverfvoor een schilderij mee te verdunnen. De standolie is zeer vet en kan dus goed op ook wat vette onderlagen worden aangebracht. Door het indikken is de standolie wat geel van kleur. De standolie droogt echter bijzonder langzaam, maar laat wel een door velen fraai gevonden glans op het schilderij achter. Meestal wordt met de standolie een glacis aangebracht.
A: This kind of boiled linseed oil you can buy in any hardware store. You can use it for polishing wood and it will dry in a while. Just try it to see how it works.
Ink making test at Tulip Graphics, Oudewater NL -------------------------------------------------
米油 Rijstolie=Rice Bran Oil
A: It seems to be a semi-drying oil. That means if linseed oil or walnut oil dries quickly, such as in a week, rijstolie may take two or three weeks. Olive oil, in comparison, does not dry at all. Rijstolie can therefore be used in inks applied in thin layers, such as in aquatint. It would not be good for etchings with deep lines, because the oil would seep from the ink lines into the paper and turn yellow around the ink. Also it is not good to use raw oils, not even linseed oil, for inks. The combined processes of oxidation and polymerisation, which decide on the drying of the oil medium and thereby
the drying of the ink, must be set in motion first. Commonly this is done by heating the raw oil, which creates the oil-varnish that I use for my inks. Another way is placing a piece of lead inside of the oil
for a few weeks to months to start the process. In your case it is for experimentation, so just try making ink with it and see what happens. Maybe it works for some of your plates.
for a few weeks to months to start the process. In your case it is for experimentation, so just try making ink with it and see what happens. Maybe it works for some of your plates.
Wiki; Standolie is sterk ingedikte en gekookte lijnolie die wel wordt gebruikt om de laatste lagen olieverfvoor een schilderij mee te verdunnen. De standolie is zeer vet en kan dus goed op ook wat vette onderlagen worden aangebracht. Door het indikken is de standolie wat geel van kleur. De standolie droogt echter bijzonder langzaam, maar laat wel een door velen fraai gevonden glans op het schilderij achter. Meestal wordt met de standolie een glacis aangebracht.
A: This kind of boiled linseed oil you can buy in any hardware store. You can use it for polishing wood and it will dry in a while. Just try it to see how it works.
Ink making test at Tulip Graphics, Oudewater NL -------------------------------------------------
2, 11, 18, 16 February 2020
Check the colour changing // 11 February 2020 ---> 18 February 2020

Check the colour changing // 11 February 2020 ---> 18 February 2020

18 February 2020
Test printing using the water based edible colour gel paste.

Printing on wet paper and dry paper / back side of papers

26 February 2020

Printing test using the 100% edible color powder with burnt plate oil 00.
Check the colour changing // 11 February 2020 ---> 18 February 2020

Check the colour changing // 11 February 2020 ---> 18 February 2020

18 February 2020
Test printing using the water based edible colour gel paste.

Printing on wet paper and dry paper / back side of papers

26 February 2020

Printing test using the 100% edible color powder with burnt plate oil 00.