lecture + demonstration + workshop + teatime
Saturday 18 November 2017
in Rotterdam organized by Yuriko Miyoshi / Hanga Land
Workshop 10:00-13:00 in the morning and 13:30-16:30 in the afternoon
Lecture + Demonstration + Experience the tradional Printing using woodblocks of Japanese patterns

in Rotterdam organized by Yuriko Miyoshi / Hanga Land
Workshop 10:00-13:00 in the morning and 13:30-16:30 in the afternoon
Lecture + Demonstration + Experience the tradional Printing using woodblocks of Japanese patterns

--------------- For A4 printable version of all information from this page,
click and download from here. // page 1 // page 2 //
---------------After Japanese text there is information in English and in Dutch.
浮世絵としてよく知られている日本の伝統水性木版画の技法を紹介するワークショップ。1860年代からヨーロッパでも人気を博した浮世絵版画は、絵師、彫師、摺師による3つの分業工程を経て完成し、出版されました。木版画ってなんですか?その制作に使われる材料、道具、プロセスを紹介します。この技法によって明治初期から大正時代に制作され出版された、今なお驚くべき鮮明な色を残している歴史的木版画の本物も紹介します。 ワークショップでは既に絵柄が彫られている木版とバレンを使って「摺師」にチャレンジします。バレンは印刷機を使うことなく手で印刷できる日本の伝統的な道具です。美しい日本の和柄、水性絵の具、毒性なく安全なヤマト糊、馬毛ブラシ、バレン、和紙を使ってできた特別な木版画カードは持ち帰ることができます。
場 所:# Mayumi Pottery atelier, Bolkruid 83, 3068 DK Rotterdam
Metro Graskruid駅から徒歩3分, NS/Metro Rotterdam Alexander駅から徒歩8分
講 師:版画家 三好百合子
参加費用: 一人40ユーロ
言 語:主に英語/日本語でおこないます。
年 齢:年齢不問
三好百合子 <print88x+mokuhanga(at)gmail.com> までお申込み下さい。Eメールにて登録後、このワークショップの詳細情報と支払いのための銀行口座などをお知らせします。
三好百合子 <print88x+mokuhanga(at)gmail.com> までお申込み下さい。Eメールにて登録後、このワークショップの詳細情報と支払いのための銀行口座などをお知らせします。
<追 記>
81Workshops (an initiative of Emi Tsutsushio) https://81workshops.tumblr.com/workshops
81Workshops (an initiative of Emi Tsutsushio) https://81workshops.tumblr.com/workshops
Date: Saturday, November 18, 2017
Time: 10:00 - 13:00 in the morning, 13:30 - 16:30 in the afternoon
Address: # Mayumi Pottery atelier, Bolkruid 83, 3068 DK Rotterdam
3 minutes walk from Metro station Graskruid
8 minutes walk from NS/Metro station Rotterdam Alexander
Instructor: Yuriko Miyoshi (Japanese Printmaker) hanga-land.blogspot.com
Cost: 40,00 Euro p.p. Costs include 4 sheets of Japanese Washi paper (postcard size), use of Japanese materials and tools, and good cup of coffee/(Japanese) tea with sweets, VAT
Language: English/Japanese
Age group: Suitable for all ages (children under 12 years old age can join accompanied by an adult who is registered for this workshop, and is free of charge.)
Prerequisite/skill level: Beginner
// ABOUT THIS WORKSHOP // * Er is ook informatie in het Nederlands na het Engels.
Printmaking workshop on the Japanese tradition of Baren printing on Washi (Japanese paper) accompanied by a lecture and demonstration presented by the Japanese printmaker and papermaker, Yuriko Miyoshi.
The participants will be introduced to the wonders of the Japanese woodcut technique and experience the actual printing process using natural materials and non-toxic water-based inks. The printed end product is also known as Ukiyo-e (浮世絵).
Woodcut printing is a sustainable printing technique, and we are happy to show you the possibilities of woodcut printing by exploring its history, materials and tools. We will also take a look through the actual Japanese woodcut printed books with amazing details, dating back from the 19c (Meiji – Taisho era).
MOKU-HANGA (木版画) is the Japanese traditional woodcut technique, also known as Ukiyo-e printing. An artist draws the design, the carver carves the woodblocks and the printer prints the blocks in relief with water-based ink using starch-based glue (Yamato nori). Printing is not done by a press, but with hand using Baren (馬連) which is a traditional printing disc used for the Woodcut. Washi, the Japanese paper is used for the printing.
// About the Artist //
Our teacher for this Woodcut Printing Workshop is Yuriko Miyoshi.
Yuriko Miyoshi is a Japanese printmaker (etcher) pur sang. She also makes woodcuts in the Japanese Ukiyo-e technique. With a Japanese Master degree in the fine arts (MA), she has participated in and curated various International Print Projects, in Japan, Belgium, Portugal,UK, Italy, the Baltic states, Russia and the Netherlands. She has many experiences in giving workshops and lectures on various printmaking techniques. Yuriko’s prints are kept in private collections and in public collections such as the British Museum in London.
Date: Saturday, November 18, 2017
Time: 10:00 - 13:00 in the morning, 13:30 - 16:30 in the afternoon
Address: # Mayumi Pottery atelier, Bolkruid 83, 3068 DK Rotterdam
3 minutes walk from Metro station Graskruid
8 minutes walk from NS/Metro station Rotterdam Alexander
Instructor: Yuriko Miyoshi (Japanese Printmaker) hanga-land.blogspot.com
Cost: 40,00 Euro p.p. Costs include 4 sheets of Japanese Washi paper (postcard size), use of Japanese materials and tools, and good cup of coffee/(Japanese) tea with sweets, VAT
Language: English/Japanese
Age group: Suitable for all ages (children under 12 years old age can join accompanied by an adult who is registered for this workshop, and is free of charge.)
Prerequisite/skill level: Beginner
As your registration, please send your message including your name, age, address and mobile number to Yuriko Miyoshi <print88x+mokuhanga(at)gmail.com> After your registration, you will receive an email with the information for this workshop and the bank account for the payment. Please note that your place is guaranteed when the payment is completed.
Limited number of the participants is 7.
Any questions are always welcome, in Japanese or in English.Limited number of the participants is 7.
// ABOUT THIS WORKSHOP // * Er is ook informatie in het Nederlands na het Engels.
Printmaking workshop on the Japanese tradition of Baren printing on Washi (Japanese paper) accompanied by a lecture and demonstration presented by the Japanese printmaker and papermaker, Yuriko Miyoshi.
The participants will be introduced to the wonders of the Japanese woodcut technique and experience the actual printing process using natural materials and non-toxic water-based inks. The printed end product is also known as Ukiyo-e (浮世絵).
Woodcut printing is a sustainable printing technique, and we are happy to show you the possibilities of woodcut printing by exploring its history, materials and tools. We will also take a look through the actual Japanese woodcut printed books with amazing details, dating back from the 19c (Meiji – Taisho era).
MOKU-HANGA (木版画) is the Japanese traditional woodcut technique, also known as Ukiyo-e printing. An artist draws the design, the carver carves the woodblocks and the printer prints the blocks in relief with water-based ink using starch-based glue (Yamato nori). Printing is not done by a press, but with hand using Baren (馬連) which is a traditional printing disc used for the Woodcut. Washi, the Japanese paper is used for the printing.
// About the Artist //
Our teacher for this Woodcut Printing Workshop is Yuriko Miyoshi.
Yuriko Miyoshi is a Japanese printmaker (etcher) pur sang. She also makes woodcuts in the Japanese Ukiyo-e technique. With a Japanese Master degree in the fine arts (MA), she has participated in and curated various International Print Projects, in Japan, Belgium, Portugal,UK, Italy, the Baltic states, Russia and the Netherlands. She has many experiences in giving workshops and lectures on various printmaking techniques. Yuriko’s prints are kept in private collections and in public collections such as the British Museum in London.

-------------------- in dutch
Een introductieworkshop voor de Moku-Hanga techniek, ook bekend als Ukiyo-e 浮世絵, "prenten van de vlietende wereld" is een vorm van houtsnede uit Japan die vanaf de jaren 1860 ook in Europa populair werd. Er zijn drie stappen in het maakproces van Ukiyo-e: E-shi 絵師 (de kunstenaar), Hori-shi 彫師 (de houtsnijder) en Suri-shi 摺師 (de drukker).
Wij beginnen eerst met een presentatie over de japanse houtsnede, het maakproces, de materialen en de gereedschappen. Je krijgt ook originele historische japanse houtsneden te zien. Vervolgens gaan wij in deze workshop met behulp van al gesneden platen als Suri-shi 摺師 (de drukker) proberen de houtsneden met mooie japanse klassieke ontwerpen af te drukken. Dat doen we met kleurinkt met Yamato Nori (niet-toxische lijm) op waterbasis, paardenharen borstels en op japans papier met een Baren. Een Baren is een japans traditioneel instrument dat wordt gebruikt in plaats van een drukpers. Dit alles samen is het meest geschikt voor deze soort drukwerk.
Na afloop van de workshop kan iedereen zijn of haar eigen, zelfgedrukte prenten op Japans papier meenemen.
Een introductieworkshop voor de Moku-Hanga techniek, ook bekend als Ukiyo-e 浮世絵, "prenten van de vlietende wereld" is een vorm van houtsnede uit Japan die vanaf de jaren 1860 ook in Europa populair werd. Er zijn drie stappen in het maakproces van Ukiyo-e: E-shi 絵師 (de kunstenaar), Hori-shi 彫師 (de houtsnijder) en Suri-shi 摺師 (de drukker).
Wij beginnen eerst met een presentatie over de japanse houtsnede, het maakproces, de materialen en de gereedschappen. Je krijgt ook originele historische japanse houtsneden te zien. Vervolgens gaan wij in deze workshop met behulp van al gesneden platen als Suri-shi 摺師 (de drukker) proberen de houtsneden met mooie japanse klassieke ontwerpen af te drukken. Dat doen we met kleurinkt met Yamato Nori (niet-toxische lijm) op waterbasis, paardenharen borstels en op japans papier met een Baren. Een Baren is een japans traditioneel instrument dat wordt gebruikt in plaats van een drukpers. Dit alles samen is het meest geschikt voor deze soort drukwerk.
Na afloop van de workshop kan iedereen zijn of haar eigen, zelfgedrukte prenten op Japans papier meenemen.
// Terms and Conditions //
* Same contents as 81workshop apply for also this workshop in Rotterdam.
Terms and Conditions (Algemene Voorwaarden Workshops (NL) applies to all our workshops. When registering to attend a Workshop you signify your agreement to be bound by these Terms.