coming schedule


galerie zone

Grants by Japan Artists Association
Support by Sekishu Washi Center

Printmaking + Japanese papers

Expositie van 1 t/m 30 maart 2025
Galerie Zone (Nieuwstraat 17b, 2312 KA Leiden)

woe - vrijdag 12-18u / zaterdag 10-17u / zondag 13-17u
* 1 maart van 12u, 30 maart tot 16u

Interview sleutelstad Radio TV Online

Message in English and in 日本語 after English text -------------------------------------------

Yuriko Miyoshi has a Japanese MA degree. Since 1985 she has started ‘her travels with her prints’. Yuriko’s prints are in private collections and public collections, such as the British Museum in London. Prints of her ‘LAND’ series are based on maps of Japan, the Netherlands, London and Lithuania where she was there for exhibitions. With her several memories she creates a new story in her etching and woodcut techniques. She had experience in making large editions. But now she makes more experimental prints, playing with different colors of inks and Japanese papers. They do not have the edition numbers, each a unique print.

My last solo exhibition in the Galerie Zone was in March 2020. Although my exhibition had started, it coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic, and the gallery was forced to restrict admission. Therefore, each exhibition scheduled for April and May were postponed. In this situation, the exhibits in the gallery were placed on stands etc. on the road side so that they could be seen from outside through the glass as much as possible, and the Galerie Zone could also continue to show my works for a while after March.

During the five years, especially when I was staying at home and not going out, I had the opportunity to do a lot of experimental work, and the collaborative work using Sekishu washi paper was also created around that time. This time, I will be showcasing my recent works that combine copperplate and woodblock prints, as well as an installation of prints using washi paper that I made myself, which I have not shown in the Netherlands yet. (It may be the last chance to see them as an instaration.) Of course you can freely enter the galerie zone to see not only my works but also the works/products by members of the zone. They are all for sale.






Collaboration with Chika Ito.

Collaboration with Hana de Haan


Exhibition on 1 March 2025


Stadthalle Köln Mülheim
27 April 2025 / 12:00-19:00

Entrance fee €16.00 VAT included +€0.40 ticket service fee.
Attention!!! A ticket purchase to enter Market is only possible online, there is no cash register on the location!

MOKU-HANGA printing Workshop 日本の伝統木版画印刷ワークショップ

ORIZOME dyeing with washi Workshop 折染実演ワークショップ

EN) Japanese traditional woodcut printing and a method of folding and dyeing

for everyone, from kids to adults

DE) Japanischer traditioneller Holzschnittdruck und eine Methode des Faltens und Färbens

für alle, von Kindern bis zu Erwachsenen


Timetable & Prices
* 13:00-13.30 (Moku-hanga) 15 € (max. 4 people)
* 14:00-14:30 (Moku-hanga) 15 € (max. 4 people)
* 15:00-16:00 (Orizome) 10 € (15 min.) Ongoing
* 16:30-17:00 (Moku-hanga) 15 € (max. 4 people)
* 17:30-18:00 (Moku-hanga) 15 € (max. 4 people)

EN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

<MOKU-HANGA printing Workshop>
Japanese printmaker Yuriko MIYOSHI introduce a printing technique of Moku-hanga used for Ukiyo-e prints, how to print the beautiful classic motifs such as cherry blossoms, Mount Fuji etc.on Japanese paper Washi, using water-based inks, non-toxic tapioca starch paste, horsehair brushes and the BAREN hand printing tools.

------------ 15 € (30 min. / max. 4 people) : a WASHI set with several size of Japanese paper including Sekishu Washi, a traditional Japanese handmade paper registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage, plus an original woodcut card. You can take your printed cards and unused washi paper also home with you. (excluding entrance ticket for the Japansmarkt)

<ORIZOME dyeing with washi Workshop>
ORIZOME is a Japanese method of folding and dyeing Washi to create beautiful colours and patterns. Yuriko simply demonstrates the process and trick of how to dye folded washi paper, dry it, and then use it to make cards with Yamato-Nori (non-toxic tapioca starch paste).
------------ Anytime from 15:00 to 16:00. Duration: 15 minutes. €10 (excluding entrance ticket for the Japanmarkt) : An Orizome set with 3 sets of cardboard paper and Washi for Orizome cards, with illustrated instructions plus an original Orizome card. * No reservations required. Please remember, the number of Orizome set is limited.

Registration and payment in cash at her stand.
You can also reserve a place of workshops via Yuriko Miyoshi in English or in Japanese. Instagram@Hanga_Land or

More info:

DE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

<MOKU-HANGA druck workshop> (in englischer Sprache)
In diesem Workshop zeigt euch die renommierte Grafikerin Yuriko MIYOSHI wie ihr mit der japanischen Drucktechnik Moku-hanga (Holzschnitt) wunderschöne Bilder drucken könnt, die zur Erstellung von Ukiyo-e-Drucken verwendet wird. Dies geschieht mit wasserbasierten Tinten, Yamato-Nori (ungiftige Tapiokastärkepaste), Rosshaarpinseln und dem Werkzeuge für den Handdruck BAREN.
Wählen Sie Ihre Favoriten aus klassischen Motiven wie Kirschblüten, dem Berg Fuji oder dem Yokai-Monster usw. aus, um sie auf japanisches Papier zu drucken, darunter Sekishu Washi, ein traditionelles japanisches handgeschöpftes Papier.
---------- 1 Sitzung (max. 4 Personen*) 30 Min. 15 € (exkl. Eintrittskarte für den Japanmarkt): Ein WASHI-Set für den Workshop mit japanischem Papier in verschiedenen Größen, darunter Sekishu Washi, ein traditionelles japanisches handgeschöpftes Papier, plus eine Original-Holzschnittkarte. Ihre ausgedruckten Karten und das unbenutzte Washi-Papier können Sie ebenfalls mit nach Hause nehmen.

<ORIZOME Färben mit Washi Workshop> (in englischer Sprache)
ORIZOME ist eine japanische Methode, Washi zu falten und mit Farben zu färben, um eine Vielzahl wunderschöner Farben und Muster zu erzeugen. Zusammen mit Ihnen demonstriert Yuriko einfach den Prozess und gibt Tipps, wie man gefaltetes Washi-Papier färbt, trocknet und es dann zur Herstellung von Karten und anderen Gegenständen mit Yamato-Nori (ungiftiger Tapiokastärkepaste) verwendet.
---------- Jederzeit 15:00-16:00. Dauer 15 Min. 10 € (exkl. Eintrittskarte für den Japanmarkt): Ein Orizome-Set für den Workshop mit 3 Sets aus Kartonpapier und Washi für Orizome-Karten, mit bebilderter Anleitung zum Falten von Washi und Variationen zum Färben plus eine Original-Orizome-Karte.

Anmeldung und Bezahlung in bar an ihrem Stand.
Sie können auch einen Workshop-Platz über Yuriko Miyoshi auf Englisch oder Japanisch reservieren. Instagram@Hanga_Land oder

2024 -------------------------------


Walking around Hackesche Höfe & Museumsinsel

Sunday 7 July 2024, 12:00 – 19:00
Berlin, Festsaal Kreuzberg, Am Flutgraben 2, 12435 Berlin, Germany

Celebrating Tanabata, the Japanese summer festival, Japanese culture and design event in Berlin. Kyoko Kimono and Hanga Land shared a able of Japanmarkt Berlin!

Japanese prints & paper works ---------------------------------------------------------