coming schedule


Japan Festival


zondag 30 juni 2024, 12:00-18:00 
Stadsplein Amstelveen, Nederland


zondag 25 juni 2023, 12:00-18:00


Sunday 19 June 2022, 12:00-18:00





Workshop Washi English

to know more about Washi
Lecture + Demonstration + Workshop (papermaking) by Japanese printmaker Yuriko Miyoshi

Dutch page (you can see pictures of recent workshop in 2024, too) --->

In the atelier of Tulip Graphics
Noord IJsselkade 6, 3421 BD Oudewater The Netherlands

Saturday 28 September 2024 / €45.- p.p. (3 hours)
13:30-14:30* + 14:30-16:30* Lecture +coffee / tea

Sunday 29 September 2024 / €45.- p.p. (3 uur)
13:30-14:30* + 14:30-16:30* Lecture + coffee / tea

PRICE is including material costs such as Kozo (paper mulberry), Gampi (Diplomorpha sikokiana) and cotton pulp, use of tools for papermaking (wooden frame and screen).
Every participant receives an original Japanese print (etching or woodcut) on Washi.

 (per workshop until 4 persons)
As your registration, please send your message including your name, age, address and mobile number to Yuriko Miyoshi. Don't forget to mention which day and at what time you want to participate, 
You can also ask your possible date and time. We will try to arrange it for you.

After your registration, you will receive an email with the information for this workshop and an invoice with the bank account for the payment. Please note that your place is only guaranteed after payment is completed. We request that you pay the workshop costs as soon as possible after your registration, or your place may be given away. You are allowed to find someone in your place if you organise payment yourself and let the organisation know. Any questions are always welcome. Your data will only be used for communication with you and for invoicing, and will not be shared with third parties without your prior consent.

General conditions Workshops 2018

Let's make paper from Japanese Kozo ourselves.
And because we want you to know the difference in quality of washi paper, we also offer special gampi raw materials.

I would like to introduce you who might be interested in Japan or Washi the difference between the traditional Japanese manner and western manner of papermaking.
The traditional method of Japanese papermaking, preparing Kozo bark for cooking, cleaning, beating the fiber and papermaking to drying, is different from the European way. During this short workshop we do not have time for processing plant fiber ourselves. In the simple demo, I introduce the real materials and this process.
The materials and tools are also different. With the Japanese tools, you can have an experience to make your own special paper simply.

(1) The traditional way of using Japanese tools with Japanese original raw fiber materials.
(2) Use of Japanese tools and also European tools, for recycling several pulp materials including some Japanese papers and also Hahnemühle etching paper.
(3) I can also show my test printing of etchings and woodcuts on several kinds of Washi. It must be very interesting to be able to feel and see differences with your own hands and eyes, and also to hear differences between papers.
It is no problem if you didn’t have anything with you, but it may be good to bring the following yourself if possible.

1) (Vinyl) apron
2) Towels for drying your hands and paper.

Making the round Japanese papers using Kozo (paper mulberry),


Den Helder

Japanse Zondag in Den Helder23 juni 2024, 12:00 - 17:00
Hortus Overzee (Soembastraat 83, Den Helder, Nederland)
Entrance adult €8 / 4-12 years €4

I join this event together with the special made woodcut print ‘Tree of Hope’.

The Miracle Tree, also Tree of Hope, was the only one pine tree of the 72,000 in Rikuzentanaka that survived the catastrophic tsunami of 2011. Yuriko Miyoshi made this print of the pine tree especially for Japan Day. During Japan Day, Yuriko will offer a Mokuhanga printing workshop including the plates of 松竹梅. A mokuhanga print with a design of the pine tree of hope on the right and 松竹梅 on the left, carved into a wooden plate and printed on Japanese paper.

松 pine tree
竹 leaf of bamboo
梅 flower of plum

My products are
Handmade original print cards, etching and woodcut print works and also handmade paper cards with images of Sakura (cherry blossoms) and Kingyo (goldfishes) for sale. The prices of my products are mainly 3 euro, 5 euro, 10 euro, 20 euro, some up to 300 euro. Please pay in cash for our products. Don't forget bring small coins with you.

I give Moku-hanga mini printing workshop at my table during Japanse Zondag.


-----------------------18-06-2023 ------------------------


Carta Pura

Meeting at Papierladen CARTA PURA in Munich Germany on 9 June 2024


Steindruck München in Münchner Künstlerhaus, a view from the window.

What I could see beautiful wooden textures from an exhibition at Münchner Künstlerhaus

Galerie Japankunst & Kunstantiquariat Monika Schmidt (located on the same street Schellingstraße as carta pra)

Sekishu products in Japan -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Some-Gami by Sekishu Washi Kubota

Washi products by Sekishu Washi Kubota

Silkscreen on Sekishu Kozo by Sekishu Washi Kubota

Tsuke-zome workshop at Hibiya Shimane-kan