coming schedule



Originele etskunstwerken en prentkaarten met Goudse kaarten en pijpontwerpen zijn te koop.
Original etching art works and print cards using Gouda maps and  pipe designs are on sale.

These prints are all unique artworks made by Yuriko Miyoshi, printed with different colors, different papers. When you like to buy one of them, please send your message with the number which are on each print work to Yuriko. * The prices will be special good prices for 2022.

Title: op weg naar 2022 -1 / 29.7 x 21 cm
Title: op weg naar 2022 -2 / 29.7 x 21 cm
Title: op weg naar 2022 -3 / 21 x 29.7 cm

The original of these works was a print had made at the end of 2011 and had donate for Henc in Gouda. They reborned in 2022, the special year of Gouda 750. With my precious memories.

Title: Land 11 / 20 x 18 cm
Title: Land 51 Gouda / 20 x 18 cm

Title: August 凹 - Recollection of Gouda (2022)
Title: August 凸 - Recollection of Gouda (2022)

Title: nl Gouda / 10x10 cm






copper plates10x10cm, 20x18cm

zinc plates made in 2022



Starch Paste (English)


How can starch glue (Yamato glue) be made?
How to make it. Why starch glue adhere.

The principle of adhesion, part 1: the mechanism of glue sticking.


The principle of adhesion, part 2: Making starch glue using cake flour instead of tapioca flour.
Tapioca flour becomes transparent, but cake flour becomes almost not transparent.


How can starch glue (Yamato glue) be made? (2)


Other different ways to make glue.