coming schedule



Group Exhibition in Gunma, Japan

Meilleurs voeux des Artiste
アーチストたちの願い− 現代美術小品展
11- 20 December 2021
Atelier PETITE USINE 2F, Tatebayashi Gunma Japan

1) 三好百合子 Yuriko Miyoshi
be 5 (Belgium) / 9.8x14.8 cm / 銅版* 8,800円 
*コピーエッチング、アクアチント、ドライポイント、雁皮紙 (ed.3/8)

2) 三好百合子 Yuriko Miyoshi
be 6  (Belgium)  / 9.8x14.8 cm / 銅版* 8,800円
*コピーエッチング、アクアチント、ドライポイント、雁皮紙 (ed.3/8)

3) 三好百合子 Yuriko Miyoshi
日本之図6 Sanuki / 10x14.5 cm / 銅版 * 7,700円
*コピーエッチング、アクアチント、ドライポイント、名塩雁皮摺 (ed.4/5)

4) 三好百合子 Yuriko Miyoshi
日本之図7 Awa / 10x14.5 cm / 銅版* 7,700円
*コピーエッチング、アクアチント、ドライポイント、名塩雁皮摺 (ed.4/5)

5) 三好百合子 Yuriko Miyoshi
日本之図9 Tosa / 10x14.5 cm / 銅版* 7,700円
*コピーエッチング、アクアチント、ドライポイント、名塩雁皮摺 (ed.4/5)

Meilleurs voeux des Artiste 2020 ----------------------------------------------------------------
from 6 December 2020 until 13 December 2020

(1) 三好百合子 アーチストブックLand 2020 Jezus+putti (4/5)

(2) 三好百合子 アーチスト手漉紙+版画 (Land 2020 Jezus+puttiより)
(3) 三好百合子 アーチスト手漉紙+版画 (Land 2020 Jezus+puttiより) 

(4) 三好百合子 アーチスト手漉紙+版画 Hartkunst 2020-16 (Pink)
(5) 三好百合子 アーチスト手漉紙+版画 Hartkunst 2020-19 (Blue)
まるい和紙 (直径 12 cm ) にハート (裏に作家サイン)+ W カード + CD ケース+封筒付。



My print works were on show in Kunstmaand Ameland 1-30 November 2021
T Nije Huuske · Strandweg 24, 9164 KB Buren in Ameland NL.

Nes naar Buren

T Nije Huuske, Buren



galerie November / kantoor van kunstmaand, Nes



29 November 2021
Nobels Nostalgisch Museum, Ballum in Ameland

Hollum in Ameland

After the exhibition on November 2021, if you are interested in buying my prints, please contact me.

These works are printed on different paper.

10-1) a map of Holland 9 (Ameland)(2020)* sold
10-2) a map of Holland 9 (Ameland)(2020)* sold
Etching on Japanese paper / 21x29.7 cm / € 100 including a frame (with glass)

a map of Holland 9 (Ameland)(2020) * Colour variation of print with the map of Ameland
Etching on Japanese paper / 21x29.7 cm / € 100 including a frame (with glass)

9) a map of Japan 5 (Aokigahara / Mt.Fuji)(2019)
Etching & Woodcut on Japanese paper / 21x29.7 cm / € 100 including a frame (with glass)

1) Land 3 (Friesland)(2002)(2/25)
Etching on Japanese paper / 43x33 cm / € 200 including a frame (with glass)

2) Land 8 (Shimabara Nagasaki, Japan)(2002)(6/25)
Etching on Japanese paper / 43x33 cm / € 200 including a frame (with glass)

4) Land 35 (Tokyo & Chiba, Japan)(2015)(8/8)
Etching on Japanese paper / 43x33 cm / € 240 including a frame (with glass)

5) Land 37 (Franeker in Friesland)(2015)(1/8)* sold
Etching on Japanese paper / 43x33 cm / € 240 including a frame (with glass)

6) Land 38 (Harlingen in Friesland)(2015)(3/8)
Etching on Japanese paper / 43x33 cm / € 240 including a frame (with glass)

3) Land 43 (Koya-san, Japan)(2019)(A.P.2)* sold
Etching on German paper / 43x33 cm / € 200 including a frame (with glass)

8) a map of Japan: Shikoku Island (2019)
6 – Sanuki, 7 – Awa, 8 – Iyo, 9 – Tosa
四国 讃岐・阿波・伊予・土佐
Etching on Japanese paper / 21x29.7 cm / € 200 including a frame (with glass)

My Artist cards and small prints were shown in Galerie November / the office of Kunstmaand Ameland. Now some are still possible to buy direct from Yuriko Miyoshi.

11) Hanga + Washi (2021)
Artist’s handmade card of print work on Japanese paper / 14.8x10.5 cm (A6 x2) / €20
11) Hanga + Washi AMELAND
Artist’s handmade card of print work on Japanese paper / 15x10.5 cm (A6) / €50