coming schedule


Study Mezzotint

Describe MEZZOTINT, known in France as the la maniére noire.
In Abraham Bosse's treatise as corrected by Cochin in 1745.

De la maniere de graver a l'eau forte et au burin.
Et de la gravûre en maniere noire. Avec la façon de construire les presses modernes, & d'imprimer en tailledouce. M. DCC. KLV





geveltekens  project 2014-2015

1 November 2014


The afternoon was the presentation of the geveltekens at the stadhuis and Ad explained about my gevelteken. Many people attended and the room in the town hall was completeley filled with visitors. After that they walked with with the group along the geveltekens and with every one of them there was a short explanation and it was officially revealed. They did cover my gevelteken with a blue cloth and when the group had gathered Mark Croese and Nelleke van Selm pulled off the cloth and the major held a short speach. At other geveltekens the audience was treated with pieces of nice bread or delicious little cakes. They returned to the stadhuis for drinks and a lot of chatting.

18 September 2014


1 September 2014
釉薬 / Glaze / Glazuur


August 2014
Second firing
(photos coming later...)


2 June 2014
Ready for the first firing.



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